Well unlike most wwe gamers right now! I don't think I am ready to move on to the next
WWE game just yet. I always wait a while befor I buy the new wrestling games. One of the reason's being evertime I get a new wrestling game I always find that they have taken some real good features out of the game. so I'll wait and see how wwe 13 coming out first and then maybe we can talk
So right now I am working on a Hulk Hogan game texture for my ps3. unlike xbox 360
less people have hacked
psn I don't think you can find any hack moves or face textures
on psn.non that i know of any way.so let's start with my Hulk Hogan skin. this has not been uploaded yet I am still working on coloer tones
Ok so as I said befor I am still working on color tones for Hulk Face
I will update this very soon